Häufig gestellte Fragen2020-10-23T16:29:21+01:00

Rúška odosielam poštou, tak prosím kontrolujte vašu poštovú schránku

Topánky kuriérom GLS

Vrátenie tovaru a vrátenie peňazí2020-10-30T19:18:14+01:00

Ak nie ste spokojní s nákupom, môžete vrátiť topánky v lehote 60 dní za predpokladu, že neboli opotrebované.

Peniažky vám vrátim späť na účet ihneď po doručení.

Topánky si prosím najprv vyskúšajte doma na koberci, aby ste nevracali topánky s doškriabanou podrážkou.

Tovar mi prosím zašlite späť na adresu: Jilemnickeho 22, Pezinok 90201, Slovensko

Na tovar platí štandardne 2-ročna záruka.

Kde sa nachádzam2020-10-30T16:19:40+01:00

Kollárova 12, Pezinok 90201, Slovensko – (Európa)

Zavolajte mi pred príchodom +421 904 283 324, pretože tam nie som vždy.

Import duty & taxes2020-10-23T16:29:23+01:00

Bellow is good duty calculator:


But when you will place order, please write note in payment gateway info from what price you will need to pay duty and tax. Thank you

I want to convert the price to my local currency, how do I do this?2016-09-27T13:37:01+01:00

Feel free to use the currency converter tool at http://www.x-rates.com/calculator/

Where I am located2020-10-30T16:18:40+01:00

Kollarova 12, Pezinok 90201, Slovakia – (Europe)

Call me before you arrive +421 904 283 324, because I am not always there.

Cash on delivery?2016-09-27T14:16:36+01:00

Sorry, I do not support this payment option at the moment. However, you may choose to pay using the following payment methods: Paypal or Credit Card.

Sizing guide2020-10-23T16:29:23+01:00

How do I know which size will fit me best?

Below is a chart you can use as a guide when choosing the correct size of shoes to order. Please also note that I follow a standard width for the shoes I make, and that is Medium (fits most feet).

US EU UK Japan Australia
5 35 2 22 4
5.5 35.5 2.5 22.5 4.5
6 36 3 23 5
6.5 36.5 3.5 23.5 5.5
7 37 4 24 6
7.5 37.5 4.5 24.5 6.5
8 38 5 25 7
8.5 38.5 5.5 25.5 7.5
9 39 6 26 8
9.5 39.5 6.5 26.5 8.5
10 40 7 27 9
Returns and refunds2016-09-27T14:56:05+01:00

Once you receive the shoes, you must ONLY try them on a carpeted floor. This is a requirement in order to keep the shoe soles in pristine and untouched condition in the event that you wish to have the shoes replaced for a different size or style, or in the event that you want to return the shoes and get a refund.

If you are not happy with your purchase, you may return the shoes within a period of 60 days provided that they have not been worn and that retail packaging is complete (shoe box, stickers, tags, shoe bags, etc.).

You may return the shoes to the following address: Razusova 39, Pezinok 90201, Slovakia

Once the shoes arrive at my warehouse, they will be inspected thoroughly to verify if they are in perfect never-worn condition. The retail packaging will also be checked to see if everything is complete.

Once verified, I can issue you a refund or a replacement (in the case of a return made due to wrong size purchased). Again, please remember that I will only accept shoes that have not been worn.

Also, you will be glad to know that I offer a 2-year warranty on my shoes. This is more than what most shoe labels usually offer. It is a premium service that can only be experience through Chalany Footwear.



I ship worldwide. It will take 3 to 9 days to deliver to most countries. But do take note that it may take up to 14 days to reach countries in farther regions. Also, I ship out orders usually within 24 hours for as long as it is not a weekend or a holiday.

Country Cost Delivery Time
Slovakia 3€ 1 day
Europe 7€ 1 – 5 days
USA $11 5 – 7 days
Canada $11 4 – 9 days
Australia $11 6 – 7 days
New Zealand $11 7 – 9 days
Japan $11 4 – 7 days
South Africa $11 8 – 9 days
– Rest of World Countries $11 3 – 9 days